sherbet punch // simple desserts

i want to share some fun and easy desserts that i like to make when i need a dessert but don't want to put in tons of time or effort. the first one up had to be this punch that we've enjoyed in my family for my whole life. we would have it at christmastime and at parties and it always seemed so fancy to me when i was little. turns out, it's just three ingredients that you might already have in your kitchen. i also realized that we don't actually have a name for it, so please leave your suggestions in the comments. 'sherbet punch' needs a little work.


sherbet, vanilla ice cream, and sprite are all that you need. we've always had it with lime sherbet, but i made three different versions this time, with lime, orange, and raspberry. the lime and orange are DELICIOUS, and i'm not a fan of raspberry so that one was...not my favorite. and now for the simple steps:


put some vanilla ice cream in a glass. in texas, we stan blue bell and only blue bell, so that's what i used.


top it off with some sherbet of your choice.


fill your glass up with sprite and you're done! i added some rainbow sprinkles because that's just the kind of person that i am. such a simple treat to make any time your sweet tooth strikes! 

and if you're really feeling it, add some rum and a paper straw and call it a night! make sure you drink it in front of your dog and don't share. 


do you have a similar punch in your family? what do you call it? help me name this one!
