cookie butter pie // happy pi day 2017!

happy pi day, y'all! i'm a big fan of pie AND i'm a big fan of celebrating sorta nerdy holidays. i blame that second one on my high school chemistry teacher, ms. rodgers, who always had us celebrating mole day with a trip to mcdonalds on the morning of october 23rd.

but i digress. march 14th is pi day! this year, i'm celebrating with a pie i've never made before, but is made of all the best things, so what could go wrong? have you ever tried cookie butter? or those biscoff cookies that british people dip into their tea? if not, you're missing out. they are crunchy and sweet and vaguely cinnamon-y. DELISH. cookie butter is basically peanut butter, but instead of peanuts, it's made from biscoff cookies. super healthy.

i love peanut butter pie, so i decided to just swap out the peanut butter, add in cookie butter, put some crushed up cookies on top, and see what happens! it's not the most photogenic pie, but it is delicious. creamy, cinnamon-y, and rich. check out my process below.


the only ingredients that you need are a graham cracker pie crust (you can make your own, but i choose to go the sandra lee route and make everything "semi-homemade"), cream cheese, cool whip, cookie butter, biscoff cookies, and a mixer.


the real stars here are the cookie butter and the cookies. i just can't properly state how delicious these two treats are. you really don't even need the pie. just get some cookie butter and a spoon and go to town. it's so good. but i carried on.


put the cool whip, cream cheese, and cookie butter into a mixing bowl. i'm going to be completely transparent here, because if you know me or if you have seen my cooking videos, you know that my kitchen adventures are usually total disasters all the way up until the finished product, which somehow generally turns out edible and even probably tastes good. i added the whole 8 ounces of cream cheese, half of the container of cool whip (4 ounces) and 1 cup of cookie butter. i used my hand mixer to combine everything and then added it to the crust. this was not enough filling. 

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when i realized it wasn't enough, i decided to mix the remaining amounts of cookie butter and cool whip and added that in to the completed mixture. i was pretty nervous i had ruined everything, but like it always does, it turned out just fine. so if you're keeping track, we now have an entire container of cool whip and an entire jar of cookie butter in this pie. like i said earlier, super healthy.


at this point, i crushed some cookies up in a plastic bag and sprinkled them over the top, and put the completed pie into the freezer to set. i mentioned before that it's not super photogenic, and i definitely wasn't lying. but we learn very early in life not to judge a book by its cover. so don't.


y'all. try this pie. it's so good. the recipe is below, but make it your own and let me know how it turns out!

cookie butter pie

8 ounces cream cheese

8 ounces cool whip

1 jar cookie butter (i believe it's 14 ounces)

1 10 inch graham cracker pie crust

6 biscoff cookies

Using a hand mixer, combine cream cheese, cool whip, and cookie butter until smooth. place mixture into pie crust. crush cookies into small pieces, but not until they are fine crumbs. this is more of a personal preference, but i like some bigger pieces for added texture. cover pie and place into freezer for just a couple of hours to set. after it's set, you can serve it from the refrigerator for a few days. enjoy!