life update // may 2018

hello friends!

its been a little while. shortly after i launched this blog, i went from working full-time freelance from home to working in an office full-time. as it turns out, that makes keeping up with a blog *much* more difficult. especially when that job quickly turns into a soul-sucking experience, leaving you exhausted and miserable at the end of every day. fun! but i’ve now been at a new job for the past several weeks, one that trusts and appreciates me, pays me what i’m worth, and doesn’t make me dread waking up every day. what a revelation!

i now have the energy at the end of the day to come home and work on some creative ventures for myself, so i’m back and recommitted to this blog. i've rebranded, redesigned, and there are lots of ideas and fun things planned in my head, so i hope you’ll get excited with me!

for now, let me give you some updates.

i’ve been dreaming of the day i would own my very own goldendoodle since the day i met one in a petsmart when i was 18. that was a *few* years ago, and in december, i finally found my girl juniper breeze. i had her name picked out for about two years before i got her because i’m normal and chill. you can also follow her on instagram. again, normal and chill.

this floppy muppet of a dog has taken up most of my time since december, so that’s another reason this blog disappeared. but we’ve fully adjusted to each other, and i’m hopeful she can stop chewing my furniture and/or barking at me for long enough to let me do some writing!

in october, i moved into a new apartment that i love so much.  i am continually working to make it into the space i’ve always dreamed of living. some posts will be coming in the near future on that.

i think that’s all the recent highlights. i’m planning to get two posts per week up, but as i go along, i’ll see if that is too much or not enough of a commitment and i’ll adjust as i go. the best place to keep up with new posts is my instagram, so be sure to follow me there!

is there anything specific you would like to see from me? please let me know!